Orisha Beads (Elekes)
These are worn by all Voodoos to carry the protection and blessings of their favorite Orisha.
The first one to be worn is of course Eleggua or Legba (black & red). To open the doors, clear the way, remove barriers and obstacles in life.
Other beads shown are Oggun (green and black) . For work opportunities and protection from accidents and in battle.
Obatala (white). For peace and justice in all things.
Yemaya (blue and white). She is the Godess of all mothers and all seas and oceans. She helps protect mothers and children, promotes fertility, abundance and calm your sorrows.
Oxun or Oshun (yellow/amber). Our Lady of Charity, patron-saint of Cuba. She is the mistress of all loves and passion. Brings abundance but remember that abundance is in the sharing!
Chango (red and white). Once king of Africa, Chango promotes virility, good health and vitality. Will protect you from lightning and storms.
Oya (not shown: wine color). The wise woman, she facilitates changes in life and helps you fight your battles.
We will make the Orisha Beads of your choice, bless and consecrate them for you at the Altars.
$51.00 each.

**If you would like to order more than one type of Orisha Beads , please enter the TOTAL number of Orisha Beads you would like in the Quantity box, and enter the names of the other Orisha Beads you want to add to your order in the special requests box after you click on the "add to shopping bag button**