La Sirena 9-Day Voodoo Bath Ritual Kit
This wonderful 9 Day Voodoo Bath Ritual Kit is the perfect assortment of ingredients and tools to promote positive changes in your life.
Like all other La Sirena Voodoo magic products it is made entirely by hand, with the best available ingredients and using my own experience and expertise in the field : my bath salts are blended from three different kinds of special salts including sea salt, i carefully hand-pick and dry all the botanicals that will go into each herbal bath bundle and I blend each bottle of aromagick oil myself as well as paint each candle with the appropriate Ve-ve with only your purpose in mind.
You will find this ritual an exquisite and powerful way to enrich your life in the direction you choose while enjoying the luxurious atmosphere it creates.
La Sirena 9-Day Voodoo Bath Ritual Kit includes: a beautiful hand-crafted Wanga Fetish doll to attract positive changes, a special Herbal Bundle to remove obstacles and negative blocks , 7 days worth of specially mixed and empowered bath salts, a special Herbal Bundle for Empowerment. Plus a hand-painted pillar candle, incense and a special bottle of La Sirena Aromagick oil to extend the powerful magic obtained through the bath ritual. Complete instructions come with each kit. If bought separately these exquisite La Sirena products would come to $250.00 - and remember we ship FREE within the continental US.