Voodoo Dolls of the Loa & Orisha
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I make these Voodoo dolls for clients who want to start working with Voodoo Magick and to attract the specific blessings of a particular Loa or Orisha.
Each doll is hand-made by me personally, starting with natural Louisiana products and taking into account the attributes and specific of each God and Goddess of the Voodoo pantheon.
Each Voodoo doll is unique, yet true to its purpose. It can be used to obtain blessings or it can be the center-piece and focus of the altar you wish to construct to your Loa or Orisha. As you work with each doll, it will become a bridge in your relationship to the Loa or Orisha.
I always use natural textiles in a wide variety of colors, style, and texture. Each doll is then decorated with artifacts and implements that represent the chosen Loa or Orisha. When it is perfect, it is sent to the client with complete instructions on its care and potential magick.
A unique intercessor who will communicate back and forth between the worlds!
Height = approx. 15 inches tall

**If you would like to order more than one type of doll, please enter the TOTAL number of dolls you would like in the Quantity box, and enter the names of the other dolls you want to add to your order in the special requests box after you click on the "add to shopping bag button**